Language can be divided into five main domains known as phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, and pragmatics. Written and verbal language disorders can involve any of these 5 domains. Individuals who experience problems with verbal and written language skills may have issues with awareness, comprehension, and production of language. This can be at either sound, syllable, word, sentence, and discourse levels.
Language disorders are typically diagnosed before learning disabilities and often affect the child’s academic performance. Once academic struggles with reading and writing arise, a learning disability label may be used, even though the underlying issue is a language disorder (Sun & Wallach, 2014).
At Granite Bay Speech, we have Speech-Language Pathologists (SLPs) who are licensed to assess whether you or your child has a language disorder. Verbal and written language skills are closely related, and our therapy sessions builds on this. Our SLPs use these interrelationships to promote a client’s areas of strength while working to improve areas of weakness with them.