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Understanding Different Communication Styles

Understanding Different Communication Styles: A Guide for Parents

Dear Parents,

Our social story, “Socializing in Our Own Way,” is designed to help children understand and embrace different ways of communicating. Here are some key points and tips to support your child:

Key Points from the Social Story

  1. Different Communication Styles
    • Neurotypical: Common ways most people communicate, like making eye contact and using hand gestures.
    • Neurodivergent: Different but equally valid ways of communicating, such as avoiding eye contact or using tools like communication devices.
  2. Self-Advocacy
    • It’s okay for children to explain their needs. For example:
      • “Looking away helps me listen better.”
      • “Moving helps my body feel calm.”
      • “I need some time to think before I answer.”
  3. Celebrating Diversity
    • Everyone’s way of communicating is valuable. Emphasize the importance of kindness, patience, and understanding.

Tips for Supporting Your Child

  1. Encourage Self-Advocacy
    • Teach your child to express their needs. Practice using simple phrases similar to those mentioned above. Collaborate with your child to assist with finding their needs and discussing phrases that can help them advocate for themselves.
  2. Model Understanding and Patience
    • Show acceptance of different communication styles. Model this behavior for your child by being patient and supportive.
  3. Use Visual Aids and Tools
    • Visual charts, mood boards, or communication devices are just a few examples of tools that can help your child express their feelings and needs more effectively. A Speech Language Pathologist can help with finding communication tools that work with each individual’s needs.
  4. Create a Supportive Environment
    • Ensure that your child feels safe and understood at home. Encourage open communication and reassure them that their way of communicating is valid.
  5. Educate Others
    • Share information about different communication styles with family members, teachers, and friends to foster a supportive community.
  6. Seek Professional Guidance
    • If needed, consult with speech therapists or other specialists to tailor communication strategies that work best for your child.

Additional Resources


Every child is unique, and understanding and supporting different communication styles helps create a more inclusive and accepting world. Encourage your child to embrace their individuality and celebrate their unique way of connecting with others.