Are you a Teacher?
Is your school providing you the support you need? Here at Granite Bay Speech, we want to enable every teacher to be fully equipped to handle students who may have speech or language and learning disorders. We provide educators with individual consultations so that they can properly care for students who may have unique needs.
Despite years of teaching experience, teachers report they lose their voice and struggle to meet the diverse needs of all their students. At times, the stress causes the most dedicated teachers to wonder if they can endure the intensity of another day, month or year of teaching. With an individual consultation, we look for what may be an underlying issue (e.g., Use of the wrong vocal pitch and inadequate breathe support results in jaw, neck and back pain or fatigue)
Are you a Parent?
Many parents find homeschooling to be the best option for their children. If you are teaching a child with speech and language difficulties, our expert staff can consult with you and help guide you in providing the best education tailored for your child’s needs.